I have a SanDisk device that used to have encrypted information on – do you? UPDATED

This post was originally published on 14 June 2022. Update 5 September 2022 ENCSecurity has updated it’s ENCDataVault software to fix these issues – so now I can update and resume using my portable SanDisk USB drive. Update for ENCDataVault Software – ENC Security Help Center (zendesk.com) Watch out for …

Air gapping – not as secure as you think – enter Gairoscope and EtherLED


I have reported on other air gap exploits by Mordechai Guri, from Ben-Gurion University in Israel – here are two more ways that the secure air gapped system can be exploited: GAIROSCOPE: Injecting Data from Air-Gapped Computers to Nearby Gyroscopes (arxiv.org) ETHERLED: Sending Covert Morse Signals from Air-Gapped Devices via …

Facial recognition in the UK to track offenders

This is an interesting article, by Namrata Primlani a Doctoral Researcher at Northumbria University, Newcastle, looking at the technical and ethical issues of using facial recognition for tracking offenders: Facial recognition: UK plans to monitor migrant offenders are unethical – and they won’t work (theconversation.com) And the view from India: …

How secure is open source software? Do you use open source software or have software written for you? If so read on… UPDATED

software code

When we undertake any cyber security survey, and we ask about software, we know the greatest amount of work we will have to do, is when the client says “we had this written for us” or we use this “open source software”. (We will not get into Android apps or …