AI is the future and we cannot avoid the consequences – but what are we going to do about it?

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The final part of Stuart Russell’s Living With Artificial Intelligence series is out: The Reith Lectures – Stuart Russell – Living With Artificial Intelligence – AI: A Future for Humans – BBC Sounds I have really enjoyed these radio programmes – I hope you have as well. Here is something …

“What we’ll be doing when AI is doing most of what we currently call work” – The Reith Lecture

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The third lecture in Stuart Russell’s Living With Artificial Intelligence series is out: The Reith Lectures – Stuart Russell – Living With Artificial Intelligence – AI in the economy – BBC Sounds Past articles about the this year’s lectures: Reith Lectures – Smart Thinking Solutions Rutherford and Fry on Living …

The Reith Lecture – “do not design algorithms that can decide to kill humans”

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The quote comes from the lecture – but having listened to it there are interested groups who would prefer I use the word “engage” to “kill”. Want a simple explanation of what an algorithm is then check this short animation out produced by the BBC: What are algorithms and how …

Something I am listening to – AI and why people should be scared

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I have just finished listening to the first episode of the Reith Lectures 2021, delivered by Professor Stuart Russell, founder of the Centre for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, at the University of California, Berkeley. It was excellent – I am looking forward to the next three episodes. Any one with an …