I spend a lot of time here talking about hybrid working and working from anywhere, but we have to remember for hybrid working there will be an office somewhere and that office will have cyber security requirements. This is something I am going to looking at in my next Back-to-Basics …
Why you need to protect your organisation’s M365 credentials
We have had to deal with several incidents of Business Email Compromise (BEC), where for one reason or another someone has had their Microsoft credentials compromised and a threat actor has got inside their email. It is a serious problem because threat actors make a lot of money from it. …
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Apple Patches
Apple has issued two patches for vulnerabilities that are currently being exploited by threat actors: Apple Fixes Two Exploited Vulnerabilities – SANS Internet Storm Center As always check these have been done especially for any device that used for “BYOD” with your information. Othe news on Apple updates Recently Apple …
Something a bit different
Johannes Ullrich who writes for Sans Internet Storm – I often quote his work here on Smart Thinking – lives in a part of America which recently has suffered several hurricanes. We talk about preparing for business continuity here – Johannes has written about it when you have to cope …
“The bigger the disaster, the more attractive it is to scammers.”
The quote comes from an article by Johannes Ullrich on SANS Internet Storm that gives some excellent advice for anyone or any organisation about online cybercrime around natural and manmade disasters that are in the news. Hurricane Helene Aftermath – Cyber Security Awareness Month – SANS Internet Storm Center In …
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