Air gapping – not as secure as you think – enter Gairoscope and EtherLED


I have reported on other air gap exploits by Mordechai Guri, from Ben-Gurion University in Israel – here are two more ways that the secure air gapped system can be exploited: GAIROSCOPE: Injecting Data from Air-Gapped Computers to Nearby Gyroscopes ( ETHERLED: Sending Covert Morse Signals from Air-Gapped Devices via …

Air-gapped systems used to be among the most secure IT systems – but they may be not anymore…


An air-gapped system is designed to be very secure. It is not connected to any other system, network or internet – literally a physical gap between it and the rest of the IT world. If it is not connected, then threat actors cannot connect to it. Mordechai Guri, from Ben-Gurion …