I know it is not Wednesday – but here is the “Wednesday Bit” early because today is Pancake Day. Flipping Your Cyber Security: Lessons from Pancakes So, what can pancakes teach us about flipping your cyber security? Just like making the perfect pancake, keeping your business secure requires the right …
Get Organised – A Primer
This Back-to-Basics Primer originally started life as a theme for the Octagon Technology newsletter and evolved into a cyber security primer as it contained a range of useful articles relating to cyber security. Get Organised Month: Make a Vision Board Get Organised at Smart Thinking Solutions Organising your Files Get …
Tomorrow is Patch Tuesday
Among the patches Microsoft will issue tomorrow, there are sure to be fixes for zero-day vulnerabilities – these are probably the most important as threat actors may already be exploiting them. What is the zero-day threat? You can find out the details here: Are zero-day vulnerabilities exploited? Yes, and the …
AI, Elections and Nick Clegg
2024 has been the biggest year in human for elections, nearly half the planet’s population has had a vote. At the same time serious questions have been raised about how much influence AI has had, will have on elections. Bruce Schneier, with Nathan Sanders, have contributed a piece to The …
Zero-day vulnerabilities – it is a real threat
Each month when I write about Microsoft Patch Tuesday or Apple updates, in the Further Reading section I include a link to my article explaining why the Zero-day threat is a real risk every organisation or individual faces when it comes to cyber security. Here is is again if you …
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