Here is a classic phishing email attack – millions of potential emails could contain this, could you spot it? It also includes the dreaded “Enable Macro” request. Windows MetaStealer Malware – Sans Internet Storm Centre Windows MetaStealer Malware – SANS Internet Storm Center
Even the world’s biggest companies get suckered by social engineering
Both Apple and Meta were the victims of social engineering scams that caused them to simply giveaway user personal information. I am not going to call this sophisticated – actually it was quite simple – the cyber criminals, studied how an Emergency Data Requests (EDR) operated and then spoofed that …
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There may not be direct cyber attacks from the Russia Ukraine conflict but others are taking advantage of the situation
Researchers at Google have been tracking various phishing cyber attacks, that are exploiting the Russia Ukraine conflict, but originate from other countries. China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and others using Ukraine invasion in phishing attacks: Google – The Record by Recorded Future Both state sponsored and financially motivated groups are …
Google block’s a North Korean Chrome exploit -UPDATED
This story was first posted on 25 March 2022 This story This attack used classic social engineering tactics – the hackers posed as recruiters for a dream job or set up a bogus websites aimed at financial and crypto-currency industries – to exploit a remote code vulnerability in Google Chrome. …
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A question I am often asked…
I am frequently asked what I think of DropBox or other method for organisations to share files across the internet with other organisations, often after I have been speaking about Microsoft 365, OneDrive and SharePoint. Possibly after I have mentioned that these services that have, authentication, authorisation and accountability (AAA) …