How secure is open source software? Do you use open source software or have software written for you? If so read on… UPDATED

software code

When we undertake any cyber security survey, and we ask about software, we know the greatest amount of work we will have to do, is when the client says “we had this written for us” or we use this “open source software”. (We will not get into Android apps or …

VMWare is a real cyber security issue – fix it or get rid of it CISA warns

This is pretty simple – do you use VMWare if so get it patched or change it. The Spring Cloud framework vulnerability is proving a honey pot for attackers. CISA issues directive for exploited VMware bug after IR team deployed to ‘large’ org – The Record by Recorded Future Patch …

Java vulnerabilities to look out for – Spring4Shell – UPDATE 23 April 2022

This story was first published on 31 March 2022 and Updated on 5 April 2022 Update 26 April 2022 There has been a steady increase in the number of active attacks against this and related vulnerabilities: Hackers hammer SpringShell vulnerability in attempt to install cryptominers | Ars Technica This is …

The log4j threat has not gone away

Here is an attack in the world targeting machines with malicious rootkits. Even though their code is poor, it is still an issue. Linux botnet exploits Log4j flaw to hijack Arm, x86 systems • The Register Log4j at Smart Thinking Solutions