Ada Lovelace was born, today in 1815 and her contributions to technology, computing and coding are still recognised today. Ada is celebrated each year on the second Tuesday of October with Ada Lovelace Day. The day was founded in the United Kingdom in 2009 by Suw Charman-Anderson on the second …
Do you want to know what a ransomware resilient back-up is?
If you, that’s lucky as my latest article on CyberAwake explains just that:: WHAT EXACTLY DO I MEAN WHEN I SAY “RANSOMWARE RESILIENT BACK-UP”?
I will keep my old tech
The Guardian recently ran a feature looking at those of us that refuse to upgrade and persist in using what many would call “old tech” but is in fact very useable tech and good for the planet: ‘My friends call me the BlackBerry queen!’ Meet the people clinging on to …
Where is the internet most vulnerable?
The Asia-Africa-Europe-1 internet cable travels 15,500 miles along the seafloor, connecting Hong Kong to Marseille, France. As it snakes through the South China Sea and toward Europe, the cable helps provide internet connections to more than a dozen countries, from India to Greece. When the cable was cut on June …
Because It’s Friday – bringing two of my favourite Friday themes together…
Here is something from Scott Adams, to make you smile at the end of the week. It brings together coffee and artificial intelligence: Ai Based On Wally – Dilbert Comic Strip on 2022-11-02 | Dilbert by Scott Adams The cartoon got me thinking – kill the AI – which reminded …
Continue reading “Because It’s Friday – bringing two of my favourite Friday themes together…”