Why the rich and famous get scammed and also aid the scammers

Here is very interesting short read over on the The Conversation, by Yaniv Hanoch, Professor in Decision Science, University of Southampton and Stacey WoodProfessor of Psychology, Scripps College, looking t scams and scammers. They are particularly interested in how the famous and the influencers unintentionally support and endorse the scammers. …

AI – you knew I would post this – just look at the title…

What killer robots mean for the future of war (theconversation.com) …and there is the obligatory TLA – LAW Lethal Autonomous Weapon. The title may be sensationalist, but the content is interesting, well written and thought provoking – a look at the state of AI/robotic warfare. It also challenges you to …

Cyber-crime insurance

Finding out what is covered by your cyber security insurance can be very difficult – now research says that this type of insurance also enables ransomware attacks: Cybercrime insurance is making the ransomware problem worse (theconversation.com)