Globally the payments made in response to a ransomware attack have dropped significantly in the last year. Global ransomware payments plunge by a third amid crackdown | Cybercrime | The Guardian This is attributed to authorities and law enforcement agencies having successes with their investigations and prosecutions and a refusal …
When paperwork is paperwork!
Last week I wrote about the paperwork associated with a well-run BYOD project and policy. Although I spoke about paperwork in reality – except for that copy on the office shelf – the paperwork is probably just a collection of M365 and PDF files, saved in the cloud. However, sometimes …
I have many discussions with clients about this topic – over-sharing. Whether it is in their social media, on their website or even on the notice board in the reception area. These snippets of information that are readily available without “hacking” are called OSINT – open source intelligence. The Internet …
The end of the password as we know it…
…pssst. I have a secret. What’s the password? Passwords have been around forever. In the Bible the password was “shibboleth”, the Romans had “watchwords”, “tessera” is Latin for password and who could forget “Open Sesame”. In our connected, digital world we all depend on them and have depended on them …
More on Device Security
This is a very good follow on article from – When hardware reaches EOL | Smart Thinking Solutions. Device cyber security is rarely taken seriously by organisations or individuals and it is really important when that device is connected to the internet, and what device today is not connected to …