Here is a classic phishing email attack – millions of potential emails could contain this, could you spot it? It also includes the dreaded “Enable Macro” request. Windows MetaStealer Malware – Sans Internet Storm Centre Windows MetaStealer Malware – SANS Internet Storm Center
The Works suffer a cyber attack – training is the key defence
The Works forced to shut some shops after cyber-attack – BBC News So far The Works is saying that no customer data has been compromised. There are some notable quotes in this article: “The Works should serve as an example to other companies.” “…staff should carry out training to highlight …
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WordPress as a threat to a secure internet – this is why you need to attend our training course – social engineering attacks are everywhere
It is a long title but it explains exactly what this post is about. The instructions for setting up simple but profitable social engineering and phishing email campaigns are easily available across the ordinary internet, not just the dark web. The software required is free, both the malicious stuff and …
Even the world’s biggest companies get suckered by social engineering
Both Apple and Meta were the victims of social engineering scams that caused them to simply giveaway user personal information. I am not going to call this sophisticated – actually it was quite simple – the cyber criminals, studied how an Emergency Data Requests (EDR) operated and then spoofed that …
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Zero Day attacks – are always going to be a problem and now the cyber-criminals are getting faster at exploiting them
Hackers are getting faster at exploiting zero-day flaws. That’s going to be a problem for everyone | ZDNet For my full story on this cyber security problem we all face see here at Octagon Technology.