More warnings about the possible spread of the Russian Ukraine cyber-conflict and NATO members are targets.

The European Union (EU) has issued a warning about the measurably increase in the volume of Russian cyber-attacks associated with the Russia Ukraine conflict and how these attacks can easily spread to other regions. Nations that actively support Ukraine, with whatever resources, are likely to be “at risk” of this …

Who decides who the good guys are? Don’t worry though NSO only sells it’s spyware to approved governments and law enforcement agencies

Here is another report from the well respected Citizen Lab about the use/misuse, sale/mis-sale of the spyware Pegasus by the Israeli NSO Group. GeckoSpy: Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement – The Citizen Lab The sale of these types of cyber weapons on the open market, is enabling governments …

More and more phishing attacks – each with their own special touch to exploit the trust of your people!

phishing email threat

A UK Government’s report looking at cybersecurity breaches across the country, (UK Government. 2022), prepared by Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (and sport!) showed clearly email phishing is a real threat: “Of the 39% of UK businesses who identified an attack, the most common threat vector was phishing …

What is the UK’s official response to Chinese cyber aggression?

Well according to report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee it is “incoherent and muted”: Encoding values: Putting tech at the heart of UK foreign policy – Foreign Affairs Committee ( Then there was this from last week: UK response to Chinas tech push ‘incoherent and muted’ • …