This is a from a Sky News report, who interviewed y someone who was employed at the UK Defence Academy, when the attack is alleged to have happened. There is no attribution for the attack. This article is in The Guardian. Cyber-attack on UK’s Defence Academy caused ‘significant’ damage | …
Putting the brakes on Big Tech
The BBC has piece by in it’s Tech Tent podcast looking at the possible effectiveness of proposed UK laws to protect young people and stop disinformation. But will it work? Tech Tent – The UK’s plan to rein in big tech – BBC Sounds Here is The Guardian’s take on …
Microsoft research highlights the importance of the UK’s PSTI legislation
Microsoft has an article looking at the innovation and commercial benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT), but which also looks at the significant privacy and cyber security challenges of the technologies. The report includes empirical data from the customer’s perspective. New research shows IoT and …
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PSTI – Rogue traders will not be able to avoid the law
There is a concern that rogue traders – with here today and gone tomorrow trading practices – will be able to avoid the provisions in the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PSTI) act that compels them to state clearly binding product lifespans of among other things IoT devices. However …
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And we are back with the ICO – Fine for the Cabinet Office
This is a good ruling as it makes the Government’s Cabinet Office responsible for the error it made in disclosing the personal details of people on the 2020 New Year’s Honour list. Cabinet Office | ICO However there is some thing to consider: I have to assume that when the …
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