Ransomware gang hits targets in the US


The Ragnar Locker cyber criminals is reported by the FBI to have hit over 50 critical infrastructure organizations across the US. Sectors hit include finance, Government agencies, manufacturing production and ICT and tech companies. Ragnar Locker ransomware hits critical infrastructure • The Register

A quick side trip back to Missouri – their Governor has such a good grasp of cyber security

Missouri State Flag

Something to read whilst having a coffee this morning – it’s fun. Here is a follow up story to our “F12” hacking Governor – Mike Parson – from police department, he demanded investigate journalist Josh Renaud. So what great crime did the journalist commit – he used the F12 key …

Globalised Threat of Ransomware – it is time to think about joining our Cyber Security Master Class

Ransomware cartoon

“1,070 percent increase in ransomware attacks year-over-year between July 2020 and June 2021″ (Microsoft, 2022) A joint report by Britain, the US and Australia highlights the sophisticated international threat from organised cyber attacks. Universities and schools were among the top targets in UK according to the NCSC. Joint advisory highlights …