Because It’s Friday – The Information Superhighway

Information Superhighway

“The Information Superhighway”, that is a term I have not heard in a long time, but it came up in a BBC YouTube video I watched this week. “…every word ever written…” “…transform your home into a mammoth interactive entertainment centre…” “On something called the internet…” President Bill Clinton had …

Secure AI

The US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been working with the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and other partners to produce some guidelines for developing secure AI technologies. Guidelines for secure AI system development – NCSC.GOV.UK Even if you are not in AI the document has …

US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Advisories

software patches are essential cybersecurity

The US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) site in one of my “go to” places for information on vulnerabilities, exploitations and patches. Built for the US Government, and American centric, it is still a great resource. This week it has run an excellent article for security professionals on …