Are you among the 300,000 plus shops using PrestaShop? If so read on… If you have an online shop and have no idea what platform you are using, definitely read on…

If you read the above headline and know your company has an online shop, but you are unsure what platform your website managers are using, or even who has the responsibility for the cyber security of that website, then you have an even bigger problem. If your customer’s personal information …

If you hold a little or a lot of sensitive data in a web app make sure it is secure!

Neopets didn’t and leaked the details of 69 million users, That is a lot of personal information to lose control of! Neopets data breach exposes personal data of 69 million members ( Their source code and other data was also stolen. A hacker calling themselves ‘TarTarX’ is selling the source …

How secure is your WordPress website and blog? Do you even know if your organisation’s website is built on WordPress?

WordPress website claim

There has been a flurry of WordPress security and vulnerability articles over the past week or so. It is no surprise that the world’s most popular website builder is a target for threat actors, especially as Automatic’s core code can be added to with third-party, open-source or even self-written plugins, …