Israeli government websites disrupted

I have written recently about the increase in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks – here is a real world example of the effectiveness of these new massive attacks: Israeli govt sites hit by huge DDoS attack • The Register

Increase today in attack attempts against WordPress sites

WordPress website claim

With the rapidly changing political situation around the world organisations have a responsibility to make sure their cyber security house is in order. Ukraine-Russia invasion: Russia launches attack on Ukraine from several fronts – BBC News This applies to all the systems and software you use – check now. WordPress …

WordPress UpdraftPlus needs patching urgently – check it!

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Backups are your best friend in a cybersecurity incident UpdraftPlus the popular back-up plug-in for WordPress needs an upgrade to plug a security vulnerability. This upgrade was pushed out last Thursday to millions of users, who have automatic updates enabled. UpdraftPlus security release – 1.22.3 / 2.22.3 – please upgrade …

Log4j exploits and behind the scenes with the Apache patching team

Here is an interesting article from the team at Apache dealing with patching the Log4j problem: The Apache Log4j team talks about the Log4Shell patching process – The Record by Recorded Future But the exploits in the wild are still happening: Threat actor target Ubiquiti network appliances using Log4Shell exploits …