Active Mass Scanning for a Movable Type Vulnerability – If you do not know if this impacts you – then your business continuity documentation is not up to date!

SANS Internet Storm Diary is reporting a dramatic increase in the scanning for a vulnerability in the CMS Movable Type – software similar in function to WordPress for the development of web sites and web content. Scans for Movable Type Vulnerability (CVE-2021-20837) – SANS Internet Storm Centre National Vulnerability Database …

So you have turned off cookie tracking – here is how unscrupulous websites circumvent that – and a possible solution

Brave Browser logo

I am sure you, like me, have disabled cookie tracking in all your browsers. However I am always wary of a software solution, as someone will always write code to circumvent the solution and of course that is what unscrupulous websites have done to re-enable third party tracking cookies on …

Privacy Enhancements


As part of the “weekend read” and because the BBC promoted a version of it’s news via the privacy enhanced Tor network, I have gathered together some links describing further software and configurations designed to keep your information private. “Browse Privately. Explore Freely.” Tor Project | Anonymity Online Privacy when …

Increase today in attack attempts against WordPress sites

WordPress website claim

With the rapidly changing political situation around the world organisations have a responsibility to make sure their cyber security house is in order. Ukraine-Russia invasion: Russia launches attack on Ukraine from several fronts – BBC News This applies to all the systems and software you use – check now. WordPress …

WordPress UpdraftPlus needs patching urgently – check it!

Patch now logo

Backups are your best friend in a cybersecurity incident UpdraftPlus the popular back-up plug-in for WordPress needs an upgrade to plug a security vulnerability. This upgrade was pushed out last Thursday to millions of users, who have automatic updates enabled. UpdraftPlus security release – 1.22.3 / 2.22.3 – please upgrade …