Website security either some people just don’t get it or they cannot be bothered!

Security written on a clipboard

The Register discusses the findings of researcher, Scott Helme, who discovered that just under a third of websites did not have https enabled by default. HTTPS by default now accounts for 70% of websites • The Register Get a TLS/SSL certificate and enable https on any site you are responsible …

Remember when you are shopping online there are malicious web pages out there – here is some advice

online shopping

In the run up to Christmas many of us are shopping online – I know I am. It is tempting to keep following links looking for the best prices and the best price is what the internet promises us because we can shop everywhere. However the bad actors know this …

Fishing website hacked

Fishing gear seller caught in hacker’s net – BBC News Angling Direct, the UK’s biggest fishing shop has been hacked, with users being redirected to a pornography site. it was probably a phishing attack – I could not resist that.