Dangerous malware – it’s only function is to deceive you into clicking something…


Getting the word out to you, about the wide range of phishing emails and their associated social engineering tricks actually active in the wild, is one of the ain reasons this blog exists. Many of our clients use this blog as a resource as a link to the multitude of …

What can a hacker do? Swap your BTC address for theirs, when you copy and paste!

crypto-currencies bitcoin

If you do not know what a BTC address is then this this particular demonstration of of a Python hack will not impact you. If you do use bitcoin or other cryptocurrency then have a look at this SANS blog by Xme: Multi-Cryptocurrency Clipboard Swapper – SANS Internet Storm Centre …

Do you know what an .xlsb file is? The hackers do and it is another way to obscure their malicious payloads

Here is yet another email attachment, examined by Xme, at SANS Internet Storm and for you to look out for: XLSB Files: Because Binary is Stealthier Than XML – Sans Internet Storm Centre For phishing attacks to succeed the hackers need to exploit your trust – for them to fail …