Quantum computers – it is never too early to have a plan

A simple explanation of what a quantum computer is, without going into quantum states, parallel universes and super position, is that they will be computers that will exponentially expand our computing power beyond todays classical computers. A quantum computer is not a general purpose computer but a computing device. Quantum …

CISA Cisco updates notifications

This is an Enterprise level update. Cisco Releases Security Updates for Enterprise NFV Infrastructure Software | CISA Here are some more details that make it easier to see if this impacts you: VM escape and root access bugs fixed in Cisco NFV infrastructure software | ZDNet

Oracle Patches

software patches are essential cybersecurity

If you have anything from software provider Oracle – then it is time to get patching. Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory – April 2022 Time to get patching: Oracle’s quarterly Critical Patch Update arrives with 520 fixes | ZDNet Oracle Releases April 2022 Critical Patch Update | CISA Oracle Java …

The blockchain is not the end of the security process – UPDATED

This post was originally made on 30 March 2022 web3 (with a lowercase “w” of course) and its use of blockchain for better cybersecurity seems like a good idea. However here is another “profitable” cyber-attack on the technology – exploiting the processes to get into the secure systems. Ethereum sidechain …