Ransomware is “highly profitable” – #BeCyberSmart

I make no apology, we are back to ransomware. This was reported by the BBC yesterday:

Cyber-attack hits UK internet phone providers – BBC News

Earlier in the week, The Guardian quoted, Jeremy Fleming, the head of GCHQ saying that ransomware is highly profitable for the criminals – obviously not a good thing for us ordinary people.

Ransomware attacks in UK have doubled in a year, says GCHQ boss | GCHQ | The Guardian

As head of GCHQ he paints a realistic picture of the threat to UK businesses, many of the attacks probably originating with nationally sponsored hacking groups.

Ransomware is something every business should take very seriously and everyone should take the basic but essential precaution step of having a back-up that protects your data from possible encryption.

Check your back-up today – tomorrow may be too late.

The above article lists the requirements for a, “anti-ransomware” back-up

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Further reading