NCSC and the Labour Party – do you need an incident response plan?

The Nation Cyber Security has an article about cyber-attacks can lead to the loss of control of your information. In the case of the Labour Party they have lost control of their member’s information because of a data breach at a third party they were doing business with.

Weekly Threat Report 5th November 2021 – NCSC.GOV.UK (Cyber attacks lead to data breaches)

They have issued advice for anyone who thinks they may be affected by this data breach:

NCSC statement on cyber incident affecting the Labour Party – NCSC.GOV.UK

If you would like to discuss with us how you could mitigate the impact on your organisation if a third party leaks your private data, then we have a range of internationally recognised, incident response frameworks they we can work through with you to equip you with the tools so you are ready if the worse happens.

Not sure where you are vulnerable – then we have organisational surveys that can find your vulnerabilities. This is especially useful to large organisations or for board members of smaller organisations who have lost sight of where their data is and who has been given access to it.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles