It looks like being a week of device security – these numbers should convince you to do something

I have written about the risks of Android apps – a lot, see the highlights of the issue here: Device Security (Pt. 2) | Smart Thinking Solutions However to reinforce the statement that apps downloaded from the Google Play Store can be a serious security risk on your organisation’s information, …


qr code for smart thinking

Here is an interesting article from the National Cyber Security Centre about whether you should trust public QR codes. Now we have had experience with this. One of our clients found that someone had stuck a new QR code over the one they displayed in their window. When I investigated, …

Towards Secure AI

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre has joined with other international government agencies, with responsibility for cyber security, from around the world to create guidelines for the secure developement of AI systems. These guideline cover, data poisoning, input manipulation, privacy and IP threats, re-identification of anonomised data, model stealing and …