Octagon’s 365R service addresses flexible working cybersecurity issues for organisations

That is a bit of a mouthful of a headline – not as good as “Snack Attack!” but it does explain this post.

This article from Tech Republic outlines clearly the challenges to all business working in the new flexible work space.

Remote work causing security issues for system and IT administrators | TechRepublic

However smaller organisations never really worked inside corporate secure perimeters, working from home, coffee shops, hotels or just small offices, with a router modem connecting them to the world… and the hackers.

Now with the new way of working because of COVID-19, even larger organisations have moved into this work space and the hackers know it. Now out there in low security environments is lots of juicy information that could equal profit for a hacker.

With this in mind, during the lockdown Octagon Technology developed their 365R product to give organisations access to first class business IT and support with integrated cyber security, accountability and governance.

It is equally good for large organisations.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Flexible working will be one of the topics I will be covering in my forthcoming Master Class – here is a link to the Eventbrite information and booking page. If you are interested there may still be some free early bird tickets available.

90 days cybersecurity – from planning to action. The real building blocks.