You must be accountable for your privacy decisions

“Do not make decisions about privacy unless you are equipped to do so”

This means before entering into any deal that involves the sharing of information, you are accountable for, make sure the correct technical questions have been have been answered correctly. If you cannot ask them and if you cannot understand the answers – get help.

I have spent a number of years studying privacy (I wrote about it for my MSc) and every time I am asked to work on a privacy project, there is always something new to think about.

Do not be tempted by “great deals” or by the term “anonymised data“. With enough data points and computing power “anonymised data” can quickly become personally identifiable information (PII) and get you into hot water with your data subjects and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Here is a story from the BBC about data sharing gone wrong!

Mental health helpline ends data-sharing relationship – BBC News

Privacy will be one of the topics I will be covering in my forthcoming Master Class – here is a link to the Eventbrite information and booking page. If you are interested there may still be some free early bird tickets available.

90 days cybersecurity – from planning to action. The real building blocks.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Anonymising personal data ‘not enough to protect privacy’, shows new study | Imperial News | Imperial College London