WordPress UpdraftPlus needs patching urgently – check it!

Backups are your best friend in a cybersecurity incident

UpdraftPlus the popular back-up plug-in for WordPress needs an upgrade to plug a security vulnerability. This upgrade was pushed out last Thursday to millions of users, who have automatic updates enabled.

UpdraftPlus security release – 1.22.3 / 2.22.3 – please upgrade – UpdraftPlus

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However do not take this for granted. Check for yourself or get your website supplier to check that the update has happened – here is the version number you or they should be looking for – 2.22.3 – this is for the paid version.

For those hosting with Octagon, they have carried out this check and all of the clients are running on

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles