The most feared Russian cyber attacks. What should be your first two steps in defending against them if they spread to you?

Included on this list from the BBC is the WannaCry ransomware, that hit the NHS in 2017 – so we all know how much chaos that can spread. Since 2017 the sophistication of the cyber criminal gangs and the malware they are using has increased.

The three Russian cyber-attacks the West most fears – BBC News

Your first defence – as you have to get your defences correct 100% of the time and the cyber criminal only has to sneak past them once – is to have an effective back-up with an incident response plan.

Then step two is to have the staff training in place for them to understand phishing emails and social engineering – as your most exposed attack vector is likely to be your incoming emails.

That is a very simplified two-step programme for better cyber security – that you could check and implement as soon as you finish reading this blog post.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Social Engineering and Email Cyber Security Training 200