There may not be direct cyber attacks from the Russia Ukraine conflict but others are taking advantage of the situation

Researchers at Google have been tracking various phishing cyber attacks, that are exploiting the Russia Ukraine conflict, but originate from other countries.

China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and others using Ukraine invasion in phishing attacks: Google – The Record by Recorded Future

Both state sponsored and financially motivated groups are involved in a wide variety of social engineering email campaigns – email is the easiest route for any hacker to gain access to an organisation. The hackers send out millions of emails trying their luck – and you have defend against all of them that arrive in your inboxes. You or one of your team only have to get it wrong once!

That’s where good training comes in.

Here are a couple of the courses we are currently running – although we are also in the process of delivering private, bespoke versions of the Social Engineering and Email Cyber Security course to organisations that really take their cyber security seriously.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles