The blockchain is not the end of the security process – UPDATED

This post was originally made on 30 March 2022

web3 (with a lowercase “w” of course) and its use of blockchain for better cybersecurity seems like a good idea. However here is another “profitable” cyber-attack on the technology – exploiting the processes to get into the secure systems.

Ethereum sidechain Ronin that powers play-to-earn game is fleeced for over $600m | ZDNet

More than $625 million stolen in DeFi hack of Ronin Network – The Record by Recorded Future

Ronin Network: What a $600m hack says about the state of crypto – BBC News

UPDATE 8 April 2022

Ronin Network bailed out – FOLLOW UP – Smart Thinking Solutions

Further Reading

web3 at Smart Thinking Solutions

Decentralized finance – Wikipedia