Are your patches and updates being done everywhere?

Patch Tuesday has come around again – and time for you check that ALL your updates and patches are up to date – not just your Microsoft ones. I know they are supposed to happen automatically but check anyway!

Microsoft April 2022 Patch Tuesday – Sans Internet Storm Centre

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday includes fix for bug under attack • The Register

Two things you need to takeaway from this post:

Do you have a RMM system in place to report on all your patches and updates across all the devices your organisation is responsible for – for instance do you know that the laptop belonging to the one person who works for you in Scotland is updated and that they are not simply skipping the automatic updates?

Do you have a written down cyber security plan of your whole organisation structure? It is this you refer to when this blog alerts you to cyber security vulnerabilities.

If you do not have these things – then your cyber security is no where near robust enough and you should be talking to us.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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