Budget friendly malware increases your risk

When breaking into a computer system cost significant money and resources, only a few capable individuals and groups did it. Now with the availability of cloud services and mass distribution the best resourced cyber gangs are turning to a gig economy model, combined with the IT “as-a-service” model to sell their hacking tools to other less well equipped gangs or individuals. Exposing all of us to more risk.

It costs $7 to rent DCRat malware to backdoor your network • The Register

This RAT even though it is “off the shelf”, bargain malware is still very capable of deploying a wide range of malicious malware and attacks. However if you get infected with malware through this type of attack, who is to say if the less well resourced cyber gang will be their to decrypt your data even if you pay them! This is where a well specified backup comes into your cyber security plans.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles