What is it about politicians and privacy?

Before we go any further Smart Thinking and Octagon Technology support any effective and legal means to protect the vulnerable and minors.

Smart Thinking Solutions supports this UK Government initiative:

Let’s stop abuse together – Stop Abuse Together (campaign.gov.uk)

Politicians, they want privacy to cloak their personal, business and political lives – but seem to hate it when private law abiding citizens want the same as them!

They also seem to forget that here in the UK and across most of Europe we have laws to deal with law breakers, due process to collect evidence, including convincing a judge that a warrant should be issued to search a computer or smartphone. Simply removing privacy from everyone so it is easy for law enforcement to find evidence, is not a solution. The criminals will simple shift to using “dead drops“, couriers or even carrier pigeons – using a cipher to encrypt the messages of course! Leaving you and I with no privacy and law enforcement looking in the wrong place.

Europe’s hope to scan devices for unlawful files criticized • The Register

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Online Safety Bill articles (Smart Thinking Solutions)

Online Safety Act publications – Parliamentary Bills – UK Parliament

Europe proposes tackling child abuse by killing encryption • The Register

YASM (Yet Another Surveillance Mechanism) (arxiv.org)


Ludvigsen, K. R., Nagaraja, S., & Daly, A. (2022). YASM (Yet Another Surveillance Mechanism). doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2205.14601