Are you trying to improve your organisation’s cyber security? Lessons from the largest data theft ever. UPDATED 11 July 2022.

This post was first published on 5 July 2022.

The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, is calling for improved cyber security, in the country following the unprecedented alleged data theft by ChinaDan:

Security warning after sale of stolen Chinese data – BBC News

Details of the theft are starting to be pieced together:

How data on a billion people may have leaked from China • The Register

Original post:

PII on more than a billion people and other sensitive data stolen from the Shanghai police.

The numbers involved in this data theft are incredible, but as China has the reputation of being the surveillance nation of the world, then the numbers are not surprising,

Hacker claims to have obtained data on 1 billion Chinese citizens | Hacking | The Guardian

The hacker known only as “ChinaDan”, has been posting about the alleged theft online and has offered the 23TBs of data for sale for 10 Bitcoins – about £160,000). If this is a real hack, then in data terms it will be one of the world’s biggest – which has many users and the authorities in China worrying.

The data does not only include PII of citizens but also information and evidence relating to criminal investigations and prosecutions.

“[the] Databases contain information on 1 billion Chinese national residents and several billion case records, including: name, address, birthplace, national ID number, mobile number, all crime/case details.”

China Dan on Breach Forums

Here is a lesson for every government, organisation and business – if you collect and store any information that may have a value on the Dark Web, then if the threat actors find out about it, you could find yourself being a target and a victim. Of course we must not forget the other victims in this drama, the citizen who have lost control of their personal data because the authorities collected and stored it – not very securely.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Database stolen from Shanghai Police for sale on the darkweb • The Register

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Further Reading

Privacy in China and the Winter Olympics – Smart Thinking Solutions

China’s Burner Phone Winter Games – Smart Thinking Solutions

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