VPN on your Google and Android devices

I am a big advocate of using VPN services – I think they are an important part of everyone’s online privacy – I have listed some of the ways they benefit your security and what to look for in a secure VPN in this article:

More about VPNs – CyberAwake

Apple already offers a VPN service on its devices. Apple controls both the hardware and software in its eco-system so offering a VPN tool across the range is a relatively easy task. Google and Android s another story, many hardware vendors all offering a slightly different flavour of Android – but Google is offering a VPN as par of a paid package on Android devices and free with some of its own Google Pixel phones.

6 questions you might have about VPN by Google One (blog.google)

The service looks good and by not keeping logs or tying the traffic into your account it meets the privacy requirements. If you do not yet use a VPN and have a qualifying phone or are on Google One Premium you should try the service out.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Note: I do not use the Apple VPN service, when it first launched it had some short comings and to be honest I have two perfectly secure VPNs I use, so I have not investigated Apple’s offering further.

Further Reading