Part 4 of my Ransomware mini-series was published yesterday

Yesterday I published part 4 of this ongoing series about ransomware on our online training site CyberAwake:

Detecting Ransomware – Ransomware Part 4 – CyberAwake

Part 5 has been published today, here:

Ransomware – What Not To Do! – Smart Thinking Solutions

The articles are about 600 words in length and contain background and advice about ransomware and you.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Ransomware Mini-Series (2023)

Ransomware: Is it a Threat? (Part 1)

A Bag of Spanners – Planning and Preparation (Part 2)

Minimise the Damage – Planning and Preparation (Part 3)

phishing emails
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