It is World Back-up Day

Happy World Back-up Day.

Reminding people and organisations annually about backing-up is a good thing but you or someone should be thinking about your back-ups every day!

Here is what I consider to be the minimum for a ransomware resilient back-up has to be:

Following these guidelines for all your back-ups (Servers, Desktops, Microsoft 365, accounts and CRM packages, GPS transport tracking data, etc. etc. etc.) will be a good start to any cyber security plan for any organisation.

Ransomware – A Primer – Smart Thinking Solutions – I cover back-ups, planning and business continuity in this short mini series – a back-up is no good unless you know what you are going to do with it in crisis!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

The problem that the San Francisco 49ers had (see the image at the head of the page) was that their data was also exfiltrated and held to ransom – I have written about that here – Extortion Ransomware. I was caught up in this cyber attack.

Octagon Technology Backup Standard for World Back-up Day