Because It’s Friday – The View from Outer Space

Whist I was in Edinburgh last week at a conference, there was an admin snafu here at Smart Thinking HQ, which meant we did not get a “Because It’s Friday” post out. So unfortunately you were not entertained before the weekend!

But I do have something for you this week, aliens!

What would aliens learn if they observed the Earth? Our study provides an answer (

This is not science fiction or a spoof. The article is written by Michael Garrett and he holds the Sir Bernard Lovell chair of Astrophysics and is the Director of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester. It examines what a visitor could determine about us from the radiation from the earth and other observations.

Of course that radiation includes all your email, telephone calls and messages about cats!

A Because It’s Friday Something Extra

It is Father’s Day on June 18th which means time for another Geek Present List over on Octagon Technology. Just a bit of fun, no affiliate links, but you may find that “must have ” present for a geek Dad…

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading