Qbot evolves and some very basic cyber security advice!

Qbot is a long establish bit of malware that has been evolving to exploit the changing threat landscape. It started life over a decade ago as a banking trojan and the latest version the latest version employs a sophiscated command and control infrastructure to deliver a range of malware to victims including ransomware:

Qbot malware adapts to live another day … and another … • The Register

AS you can see in the article this updating of the malware delivery was prompted by Microsoft blocking the previous internet delivery methods. It is a prime example of vendors always playing catch-up with the threat actors.

The Cyber Security Advice

Your takeaway from this is that a decade ago good anti-virus and a back-up was the extent of your cyber security today every organisation large or small needs more.

That is why in the next couple of weeks are cyber security support will be evolving to meet these threats for even the smallest of organisation with the introduction of proactive 24/7 continuous threat monitoring and response.

You can find out more now – or watch this space.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles