Cyber Security and Hardware

Both Martin, over on Octagon and I wrote about the importance of hardware in your cyber security plan.

Cyber Essentials and hardware | Octagon Technology

Buy new hardware! | Smart Thinking Solutions

This came about because of some serious flaws in various Barracuda Networks devices. Now Barracuda Networks has issued an update on the cyber security flaws:

Barracuda Networks Releases Update to Address ESG Vulnerability | CISA

My advice: Either you or your IT support need to check whether these issues impact your systems. You need to have a master document that details your systems, hardware, software, online, networks, back-ups, suppliers etc – so when cyber security (or operational) issues arise you and your support teams can quickly check if you are affected. From there you can take fast, effective action.

CISA also releases industrial control system advisories – if you are responsible for these types of systems you should monitor their news page:

Current Activity | CISA

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.