Because It’s Friday – Rocket Risk

In a week when I have been talking about risk, just about everywhere, online, with clients and in our own staff meetings, it seems only right that one of my favourite YouTube channels produces a video on the risk with rockets.

The footage of unmanned rockets exploding is spectacular, have a look at this one at 51 seconds – exploding rocket. The manned ones are tragic, especially when those of the two shuttle disasters could have been avoided with stronger management.

A bonus without risk

Michael – one of our technicians responsible for products and services has been in Dublin this week, to catch up on the latest about the cyber security tools we use, especially our soon to be launched security operations centre (SOC). As with any international conference there were giveaways, and Michael bought us all something back. There were tee-shirts, water bottles, backpacks, and wireless charging pads.

I got a new desk – a desk for a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) – complete with multiple screens and a coffee mug – a very important tool when it comes to cyber security.

Luke Skywalker sitting at out security operations centre - managing your risk.

I added Luke Skywalker!

Have a good weekend.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

What we have written about risk this week:

Risk. Where do you start? – CyberAwake

Our training – risk analysis, cyber security, incident response, disaster recovery…

Risk Appetite – CyberAwake

A few weeks back we were looking for an image of multiple screens for an Octagon article.