Something to think about…

So we discuss here what could happen if a threat actor gets inside your organisation’s IT systems, but what happens if they get inside the countries democratic processes and change the course of an election?

With a General Election likely in 2024 (assuming politicians do not want to campaign over the Christmas period) Brian Wheeler and Gordon Corera have written about cyber-election-tampering:

Fears UK not ready for deepfake general election – BBC News

The National Cyber Security Centre discussed these issues in its annual report and they are continually working with key stakeholders to protect the systems we rely on to have a fair election.

Case study: Defending our democracy in a new digital age – at the ballot box and beyond – NCSC.GOV.UK

I think the most worrying attack described is the fake audio clip, they are so easy to create, anonymously release. With the possibility of a clip going viral the damage can be done before the “victim” knows there is a problem or can respond with the truth.

Remember all politicians like the sound of their own voice so there is plenty of source material available for threat actors to doctor. Now all the political hactivist needs is a laptop, a copy of Audacity and no conscience.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles