Because It’s Friday – “The cloud of expanding plasma that used to be the ball”

Let’s start today with the fact that Google says there are far too many characters in my title. The Google appointed SEO gods are only happy if your title has no more 60 characters because they care about * their users. Here comes another quote from today’s video “Google is pretty secretive about their operations”.

But it is “Because It’s Friday” and I do not care about my title length – that title sums up this article.

Xkcd is a regular in this Friday slot, so this TED talk by xkcd’s creator Randall Munroe was a must watch – I hope you enjoy it.

More xkcd…

As I am sitting in my garden office listening to the rain on the roof, I thought I would add this solution for a large umbrella.

Now for the cyber security spin…

Unusually for a Friday there is a cyber security message included. Randall when trying to locate/identify/quantify Google data centres says he “asked the local pizza delivery drivers” as they always knew where the data centres were located. This is termed open source intelligence (OSINT) something I have written about before and will be writing about next week on both Smart Thinking and CyberAwake.

Have a good weekend.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

* Insert here “sucking all the data they can from”.

Further Reading

The Basics of Cyber Security – A quick look at OSINT and Redacting

The cloud of expanding plasma that used to be the ball