Fake cheat codes should get you thinking about your hybrid workers

I am never popular when I am helping organisations create cyber security plans and I insist that company laptops are only for company business. This applies double when the laptop is used at home or on holiday – you cannot let your significant other or others use the company computer.

Why? Application control. Here is an example of stealth malware that would be an attractive offer to any gamer young or old.

Fake cheat lures gamers into spreading infostealer malware – BleepingComputer

Install that and your organisation’s cyber security is breached – just because Mum let Jenny play on the company laptop.

Here is an article I wrote recently looking at device security and hybrid workers:

Device Security (pt.1)

Big your policies and procedures do not meet the standard needed for the modern cyber security landscape then you need our help.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles