Yesterday was the second Tuesday of the month that means our support team have been reviewing our client monitoring reports and the SOC to check that the Microsoft Patch Tuesday updates have been completed. Our team will keep an eye on the reports for the next day or two to check there are no issues or absconders! It is always a busy time for us and should be for you or your IT or Cyber Security Support as well.
Here is Microsoft’s detailed page on Patch Tuesday for May 2024:
May 2024 Security Updates – Release Notes – Security Update Guide – Microsoft
Cyber security highlights
Over sixty flaws are being fixed this month across Microsoft’s product range, including patches released earlier for Edge. Microsoft reports one of these as critical and one is being actively exploited. There are fixes for three zero-day vulnerabilities, in this release.
Fixed what they broke
Software is complicated and sometimes the fixes cause more issues. Last month they broke VPN services for some users, this month they have fixed it.
Your Takeaway from Microsoft Patch Tuesday.
As always the day after Patch Tuesday is a busy day for our team as we check the reports from the SOC and RMM to ensure the clients we look after, everyone in their organisations have updated their systems. If you do not have that kind of support then get these updates done and check that the auto-updating has auto-updated.
And do not forget that other vendors also issue their patches and updates around the same time as Microsoft. Those need checking as well.

Why is Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday Important?
Patching and updates are an important step in any cyber security plan – you and you team must get them done – read about that here:
How Microsoft Patch Tuesday can help your cyber security planning
and here:
Don’t Skip That Restart | Octagon Technology
If you’d like our team to check that the updates are being done, have a look here.
Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles