Password 1234

I did not bother with World Password Day – it used to be a useful thing, but as far as I am concerned when it comes to business cyber security every day is World Password Day – passwords are so important to understand and get right – have a look at my Back-to-Basics Password Primer to check your organisation has passwords sorted!

The National Cyber Security Centre

The NCSC is a “go to” source of excellent cyber security advice – they are among my daily reads to keep my knowledge up to date. So the following story was a surprise to me.

UK’s National Cyber Security Centre entry code cracks up critics – The Register

I am absolutely sure that in my Password Primer series I link to the NCSC password advice page.

Your Takeaway

I am not really bothered what the official excuse for this dumb action is and neither should you. The NCSC was a primer mover for the latest UK legislation that prevents companies suppling kit with the same type of useless repeated, generic passwords. That was a good thing – poor passwords are a bad idea and I cannot think of any operational reason why and organisation would implement one – and if your cyber security support has thought of one then you have the wrong support.

This cyber security mistake, however does not mean that the information the NCSC issues is not valuable.

Do as I say, not as they do.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading