Because It’s Friday – Tapputi-belat-ekalle

I have a history of science lesson for today’s “Because It’s Friday”. Roberta Angioi – a Postdoctoral Researcher in Analytical Chemistry, Dublin City University – has an article on The Conversation discussing Tapputi-belat-ekalle, who was probably the worlds first documented chemist – she was formulating perfumes 3000 years ago, in Mesopotamia.

The first chemist in history may have been a female perfumer – here’s how the science of scents has changed since (

It is a story about chemistry and noses.

You want something amusing as well…

Then try this – another in my occassional mathematical “jokes” series – especially for my son, the maths teacher.

xkcd: Bracket Symbols

Still not satisfied?

The Election was yesterday and for that day, journalists do not write about politics, so they have to find other stories to fill those column inches. Here are some amusing past Polling Day stories:

Hens, lost engagement rings and other odd polling station stories – BBC News

Have a good weekend.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Photo by Mareefe