The Insider Threat Primer

Having to discuss the insider threat with clients is always difficult – they are always already trusting someone (even if they do not think so) and I am calling that trust into doubt. My reports and discussions always include the statement “monitoring what your team does with your information and equipment is not spying it is good governance“.

This series will help you with looking at how this trust should work and what you can do about it if it goes wrong.

The Insider Threat – Not just a question of trust. (pt.1)

The Insider Threat – Start thinking about sorting. (pt.2)

The Insider Threat – Mitigation. (pt.3)

The Insider Threat – An Investment. (pt.4)

The Insider Threat – Careless (pt.5)

Insider Threat and BYOD (pt.6)

Insider threat – A conclusion… (pt.7)

Whether deliberate or accidental the insider threat has a lot in common with managers choosing to let their staff use their own equipment for the organisation’s business. To understand how the two trust decisions you make come together, I have a series here on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) here.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – A Primer | Smart Thinking Solutions

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Photo by Kaboompics