“I have a Mac – I’m secure!”

I am sure I am not alone in having heard this one from clients in the past. It was not true then and fortunately now Mac users now they are at as much risk of a cyber attack as a Windows, Linux, Android, etc. user.

This malware attack uses a fake Homebrew website, promoted through Google ads (who are supposedly being paid for the ads) and targets MacOS and Linux systems.

Fake Homebrew Google ads target Mac users with malware – BleepingComputer

The malicious ad, obfuscates the URL for Homebrew and then installs the AmosStealer/Atomic malware, an infostealer. The malware is available to threat actors for a  a subscription of $1,000/month.

Your Takeaway

Many people and organisations use Macs – make sure that the cyber security tools you use work across all platforms.

Of course then there is Apple’s iOS and iPadOS! An issue for your cyber security policy.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading