Another good step for better child safety on the internet and for catching the criminals who are involved

This is not a “scan every image you (the law abiding citizen) upload” solution, such as suggested by Apple among others. This is making the unique digital hash evidence of illegal child abuse images and videos available to the Internet Watch Foundation that has the resources to search the internet …

And we are back to politicians wanting to end E2EE in the name of child safety!

Having just run a post, where the ICO is promoting it’s Child Code, a very effective way of protecting children, the very next article I read whilst researching the cyber security and privacy news this morning was this: EU Plan to Scan Private Messages for Child Abuse Images Puts Encryption …

Online Rights of the Child

If you run an online service that is aimed at children, or children will use, then read this and check you and your developers are following the code. Best interests of the child self-assessment | ICO